Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Discussion Forum

After looking at the information in the research paper, on this sight, and on other informative links, which do you think has more control over our decisions and actions: the conscious mind or unconscious mind? Why?

If the unconscious mind has so much influence over our behavior, what could we do to harness its power?


  1. In response to your second question, I think that we can harness the power of our unconscious mind by becoming aware that we have the ability to be conscious of the power of the unconscious mind on our behavior. I think that our unconscious mind is only figuratively invisible to us if we don't have the knowledge about its capabilities.

  2. I think that our unconscious mind definitely has more power over us than we're aware of. It's interesting to think of how much it can impact our decisions. This website taught me a lot of interesting facts about this topic!

  3. Regarding the first question, I was very surprised to learn that the unconscious mind is much more influential than I had thought. Before viewing your Prezzi, I had always thought that the unconscious mind could only affect a person in their dreams. Boy, was I wrong!

  4. I am extremely intrigued by your topic! Neuroscience and the complexity of our brains amaze me. I never gave a lot of thought about the subconscious mind before, I would like to think that I as a human being of action and logically thinking I could control my thinking and my behaviors but as I have learned through your website we are not as in control as we think we are. I find this to be also connected in a very psychological nature of superiority and control. I think if more people would take the time to look at this information society could find itself shocked and possibly changed by the information and the psychological effect of understanding and accepting this concept. You did an amazing job with this research!

  5. I've always thought the unconscious mind played a bigger role in our lives than we knew, but how big a role I couldn't say. Until now! It's super interesting to see the science of just how important our unconscious is to out choices. I'd like to think I'd have some say in controlling my brain, but really, it's UNconscious for a reason, but I'd love to discover a way to harness it.

  6. Ella! I truly enjoyed learning more about your topic and found it to be very thought provoking. In response to your second question, I believe we can harness the power of the unconscious mind by simply following our emotional and maybe even sometimes irrational impulses more so than the logical, rational part of our mind. This can be done by going with our "gut feelings" or in other words, our initial responses to certain situations.

  7. I think that the unconscious mind plays a bigger role over our actions because in life and death situations we often act with out thinking we do this because our subconsciousness often knows what to do, and how to react. LOVED this topic. I really leaned about the subconscious!

    1. I agree, sometimes the actions one does are unexplainable, but truly in comes from the subconscious mind. Quick reactions are done without thinking and are often linked with the subconscious mind.

  8. I have always been interested in this topic! I think that our subconscious is responsible for the majority or our actions and affects everything we do. Our minds are so much smarter than we give them credit for hahaha! It's kind of creepy to think that we can act without really "telling" ourselves to do it. Great research!

  9. I have no idea what we can do to harness the power of the subconscious mind, but it truly is crazy how the subconscious mind affects us. Your essay was very powerful, and you presented the information well. The topic was truly interesting and really made me think about how much I do subconsciously, and it's kind of scary how much our bodies can do without us having full knowledge of it. I don't think there's a way to harness the power simply because we are not conscious of it. If we could harness the subconscious, then it wouldn't be "sub" anymore, it be our conscious minds.

  10. I definitely think that our subconscious mind controls most of our actions. There is so much of our brain that we don't use, or at lest we don't know we are using it. I feel that there isn't a way for us to harness our subconscious mind, but why would we want to? I think it is truly amazing and pretty crazy to think that our actions are so heavily influenced by something we can't, or don't know how to control.

  11. I've always believed in the power of the unconscious mind, but I never realized there are so many studies to back up this belief! It's amazing to consider how behaviors and habits derive from the subconscious.

  12. I really love your topic. I knew a little bit about the unconscious mind, simply because I go to hypnotherapy which utilizes the power of the subconscious, but your paper was very informative. I do not know a better way that hypnotherapy to control our subconscious. I loved your website!!

  13. The unconscious mind is just what its name tells us. It's unconscious! So I can think of no real alternatives that could help harness its power. So much of it is based off of past experience that we have little control over our mind and how it reacts. This is such a fascinating topic!

  14. I like to hope that the conscious mind has more influence over us that our subconscious, but after reading your paper, I am not entirely sure. Although our subconscious mind is still us, it's hard to think of it that way when we can't determine it's actions or influences. I think our dreams tell us a lot about our subconscious and find it interesting to read about the correlation between the two.

  15. I never realized how much power the unconscious mind has over us, and because it happens without us doing anything, I cant really think of any way to harness its power.
